Sunday, 13 February 2011


I'm a Playboy Bunny! Cheers Heffers!

I've been neglecting my blog a bit...a lot recently but I do have a piece of spectacular news to make up for it. I've just been offered a job as a croupier Bunny in the new Playboy club in London after two auditions! So-o-o-o excited, I can't actually believe I'M A BUNNY.

 "Hi, my names Armani, what do I do? Oh, I'm just a Bunny BITCH!!"

 Went out to Supper Club in Notting Hill last night and managed to just casually drop it in in every conversation I happened to have with a stranger.
Needless to say, I am psyched as shit. I start my dealer training in a months time so let's hope I'm not appallingly crappy and get my job taken away from me.

Bring on my fucking bunny ears please!